Con.Version 2020. "Metal Family"


[TL Note: A small interview from November 2020, where the hosts were asking Alina and Dima questions from chat.

This translation isn't direct. It's a condensed version that includes only the most notable parts of the interview, as some questions were either repeats or didn't relate to Metal Family. Answers are also shortened to make it easier to read, but I still tried to keep in as much context as I could.]


Host: If Glam lived in the real world, how much time would he spend on putting on makeup and getting dressed?
Dima: Around an hour. That scene in episode 1 where he's getting ready — that also probably took him an hour.

Host: Is the poster of Dio on the door [in Ches' room] a reference to The Pick of Destiny?
Alina: Of course! It's a great film.

Host: In the Titanic episode of "Imagine" when it came to Ches, you said: "It's Ches, he'll somehow make it!". Why is there such a special attitude towards him? He looks like a regular hippie who reacts to everything calmly. If you compare it to his childhood self it seems there might've been a turning point to this calmness. Or was he always this calm, and Glam made him open up and be more active, which then reverted back to calmness with age?
Alina: The first thing I wanna say is that he's not a hippie. He's more like a relaxed punk, as weird as that sounds. He just seen so much that he doesn't care anymore. And basically, by the rules of our universe... [looks at Dima]
Dima: [to Alina] We probably shouldn't reveal that. Let's say this: he has a small secret.
Alina: It won't be revealed all at once. But it will be sort of a nice addition, and people will be able to piece everything together. 

Host: Your favorite character from your cartoon?
Alina: Probably Glam.
Dima: Mine wasn't revealed yet. He'll show up later.

Host: What are the characters' zodiac signs?
Dima: We're still debating on it. The only sign we pretty much agreed on was Victoria's.
Alina: Are you sure? Let's say it both at once in 3 seconds. 1, 2, 3... Aries.
Dima: Leo.
Alina: See? Actually, her patronus was a lion, so maybe you're right... Leo it is.

Host: What do you think of crazy shippers that ship everything and everyone in your cartoon?
Dima: We're okay with it. It doesn't change anything.
Alina: Yeah, we're not offended by it at all.
Dima: If it makes people happy or inspired, then its fine.

Host: Which character would you wanna befriend in real life?
Alina: Ches. When something bad happens in your life you just visit him and he gives you something... to smoke. [laughs] He's the type of person you can talk to about anything. He might tell you something stupid, but there will still be some hidden wisdom in that.
Dima: Ches is actually a really good listener as well.

Host: Everyone sees Gustav as an evil person, but is he really all bad inside?
Dima: That will be revealed in the future.

Host: Watching Dee and Glam interact is really interesting. Will there be more episodes like the poker one in the future?
Alina: The main idea of the poker episode was to show how the characters interact with each other, as well as Glam and Dee's relationship.
Dima: They both have this competition, where Dee can't surpass his dad yet, but he's still a worthy opponent.
Alina: I think if we were to show this type of interaction again it'd have to have a different role — like to show a conflict between them or something.


  1. I am so grateful for your blog, Metal Family Translations. Your dedication to translating and archiving posts from @mftranslations on Twitter is truly impressive. Thank you for providing a condensed version of the interview from November 2020 – it's great to be able to access the most notable parts of it without having to sift through the entire thing. Keep up the amazing work! Zodiac Signs


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