Metal Family: Heavy answers questions


[SUBBED VIDEO] by heavibear (@ratibear on Instagram)

Heavy: Hey everyone, I'm Heavy! Gonna answer some questions right now. I even cleaned the table. Just left the important stuff. Holy shit, there's so many! That's crazy... Well, okay, I'll start with the most popular ones, then we'll see.

"When's revenge on Suslik (Gopher)???"
That damn gorilla only attacks people smaller than him! Wait 'til I gain some muscle, I'll kick his butt! Of course we could attack him together with Dee, but 2 on 1 doesn't seem chivalrous, we still abide by our code... So I'll get buff and fight him myself! Though, lately he hasn't been seen at school at all. I wonder why...

"What's your most funny memory with Dee?"
Ummm... Well, there's a funny one! One night I couldn't sleep and that blondie kept sneaking out at night, so then the rain started. I look out and he's climbing the roof — he always climbs into his room through the garage roof — but since it was wet from rain he slipped right at his window and was like *roof sliding noises*. And then hanged on a pipe for a bit! Then he finally climbed inside, face full of bruises. He told mom it was from falling off the bed.

"Why don't you like washing your hair?"
Man, I look like a freak with clean hair! That's why I try not to wash it often, I look more brutal that way. Dee took a photo of me with clean hair once... if you want, write down in the comments if I should post it on Insta or something. [link to Instagram post]

"Have you ever felt that your parents loved Dee more? Are you jealous of their love for Dee?"
Whaaat? What do you mean "loved him more"? Why would they? I'm much cooler!

"Which music bands are your fave (except Manowar)?"
Well, like Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Accept, Battle Beast, Beast in Black too. Powerwolf, Black Sabbath. And some epic stuff too, like Twilight Force, etc.

"Heavy, do you have any secret hobbies?"
Sure, but they're secret for a reason. Why would I tell them? Well, me and Dee sometimes like to make buildings out of matches and then set them on fire...

"Who do you wanna study as after you finish school? Or any other plans?"
Man, I don't even wanna study at school, and then I'll have to study somewhere after... Screw that. I'd rather be a streamer and earn money by playing games... or something. Lost of people are doing it, so why can't I?

"Wanna learn the guitar in the future and make your own band?"
I asked uncle Ches once what it takes to make a band and he told me SO MUCH, it's crazy! Screw that! I'll just play guitar hero, it's at least safer.

"How are things on the personal front?"
Well, I have these 2 cute girls at school following me... But I don't value girls just by looks. So I'm still free in that sense...

"Has Dee ever badly offended you? Have you offended him?"
Of course he does, every damn day! But he's using the fact that he's weaker so I can't beat him up, I have my principles after all. And he's using it! Jerk.

"Do you want a cat? If so, how would you name it?"
I feed some street cats, like Abbath, Fruntik, Toki... But parents don't let me take them home. Dad says we can't have any pets at all. Even fish. Why does he hate fish?

"Heavy, what's your opinion on aunt Anna?" ... a seal in your nickname.
Aunt Anna is pretty cool, she has a cool bike. Cool costume. And, well...

"It is hard living with Dee?"
Again about Dee! Of course it's hard! Our rooms are placed in such a way where he goes into his room through mine, but I can't come into his room! My room's like a train station or something. And when you come into his room he's like "you walked in without knocking, asshole!". He doesn't knock either, that bastard!

"Were there ever moments where you had to help Dee out of different messes? If yes, tell us one of the most memorable situations. (Thanks in advance)"
Dee gets into messes constantly. Like, he would run straight into those 3 guys, I can barely heal him. And then when he dies he's like "what the hell, you weren't healing me!"... BUT I WAS HEALING! What, if you're DPS I have to run around the whole map healing you?!

"Your MMR in Dota?"
3500. I play mostly Pudge, sometimes Techies. Around 750 hours in the game or something like that, I don't remember.

"Heavy, with which one of your parents you like spending time more?"
I guess more with mom, cuz with dad we mostly do stuff like homework, cleaning... And with mom it's much funner. Recently I helped her change oil... I won't do that again.

"Heavy, Heavy, what are your fave movies?"
Well, I like Transformers, X-Men, Pacific Rim, the last Terminator, that movie with matrix as the lead role... Oh, John Wick! Cool movies like that.

"What kind of snacks do you like?"
Different ones. I like cinnamon buns, for example. Chips, chocolate bars. I drink cola sometimes. I don't really like energy drinks though.

"Heavy, who would you prefer: a brother (in this case Dee) or a sister? Do you want a sister? How would your parents react?"
What do you mean? I already have a sister.

"What do you think about pelmeni? (Russian dumplings)"
I love pelmeni. With mayo. Especially fried. 

You're adopted! I'm gonna fricking ban you. ... Dee, how do I ban?!

"How do you decide who's music's gonna play at a celebration?"
Its never a big deal, we just all agree on it. Of course I sometimes complain about Dee's pop music, but it's still ok to listen to. I just prefer a slightly different type. But all in all, both mom and dad put on alright music, so...

"How heavy is Heavy?"
48, or 49 (kilograms)... Can't tell, the weights are messing up.

"Heavy, what are your fave horror movies, and which cult classic maniacs and killers do you know?"
I like Voorhees, that dude from Halloween... Freddy Krueger is cool too. And the killers from Dead by Daylights are cool too... all of them. And for movies, I like stuff like The Walking Dead, films where there's cool monsters. But stuff like Insidious, well... I think they can really scare someone, so screw that... I mean, of course I'm not scared, but you know... someone might get too scared... and hurt themselves.

"Would you want to be the older child in the family?"
Of course I would, cuz it's unfair! Why do mom and dad always leave Dee in charge while they're away? He walks around all high and mighty saying "don't do this, don't do that!". Keeps bossing me around, but can't even climb a roof by himself.

"Heavy, would you stick up for your brother if he was getting beat up?"
Of course! I'm stronger, so I have to protect him.

"What's Heavy's opinion on junk food?"
It's alright. Why?

"Scared of tickles?"
Only from mom. Cuz it leaves bruises...

"When did I take a shit yesterday?"
*grumpy noises* Ban, ban, ban... Dee!

"How do you see your brother?"
Wait... *draws a pic* Something like this.

"Have you ever gotten awards for something?"
Here's one for 2 head shots in 5 seconds. Or this one, for a team kill. Anyway, I have lots of awards and achievements!

"Heeeaaavyyyyy, does Victoria teach you to ride a bike?"
Yeah, she tried teaching me but my legs are too short, I can't reach the breaks or the *stumbles on his words* gears... It's fun to hit the gas though.

"Are you pretty?"
I think I'm alright. Yeah.

A Necromancer Raccoon asks... NECROMANCER RACCOON! HAHAHAH! Wait, what's he asking? "Do you have any cringy photos of Dee on your phone? Can you share?"
Yes, I do! I only recently took one as he was leaving the shower with this weird face. I took a picture but it somehow got removed... Actually my photos keep disappearing a lot, especially with Dee. I wonder why...

"How do your parents react to your bad grades?"
Well, mom yells at me but I don't think she actually cares. And it's better not to anger dad with bad grades, or else he'll help with homework for the whole week.

"Why do you hate rap?"

"How do you like Dee's girlfriend? Does he ever talk to you about her?"
Heavy: Dee?! Wait a sec, you got a girlfriend?!
Dee: Leave me alone.
Heavy: Why didn't you tell me about her?
Dee: I don't have anyone...
Heavy: But they're saying you do!
Dee: So what?
Heavy: So what's she like?!
Dee: Leave me alone.
Heavy: Will you show me or not?

"Have you ever played Outlast? What's your opinion on horror games?"
Mom got me Outlast for my birthday and watched me play. And laughed at me when I almost pissed my pants. I prefer horrors like Doom, where you chainsaw everyone.

"What do you think of your dad? Do you think he's cool?"
What can I say, of course dad's cool. I'd love to be cool like him too.

"For the horde or for the alliance?"
FOR THE HOOORDE! Only dad is for the alliance. ... I changed my mind, I don't wanna be like him.

"Heavy, you're gay right?"
YOU'RE gay! Ban!

"Heavy, what's your opinion on anime?"
Well, I'm... already past that age when you watch anime. Dee keeps watching it though, still haven't grown up.

"Dee..." Oh c'mon, Dee again?! "Dee took the fact that you're more talented in music quite seriously..."
What do you meaaan? Isn't he talented? I think he's alright with it too.
"Do you feel jealous/hurt/angry at yourself for being worse than him intellectually?"
What do you mean! My intellect is fine, c'mon!
"Or for being less popular with girls than Dee?"
What do you mean? Dee doesn't even talk to anyone! Heh, "popular".

"Was Vicky angry after your fight with Suslik (Gopher)?"
We obviously didn't tell her anything. Or else she would've laughed at us for... not being able to beat him 2 on 1...

"I got no questions, just this kitty"
Man, that's fun! It's like a christmas tree!

"Did you really pull out your shirt from your mouth and then put it back on, or was Dee joking? [A reference to episode 2, where Suslik (Gopher) made Heavy "eat" his own shirt, then Dee commented on him putting it back on again]"
What else was I supposed to do, walk home with a naked torso? It's fine, it's been in worse conditions after concerts.

"You have a cute voice."
Thank you.

"Five Finger Death Punch — pop or not?"
For me its pop. Dee listens to stuff like that.

"Who's scarier: Dee or Glam?"
Well, dad is usually... Actually no, Dee is scarier. When he's without makeup in the morning.

"Heavy, oi! What's your opinion on the punk genre, since you like uncle Ches and he seems to be closely related to it?"
Well, when we visit uncle Ches' shop it's fun to listen to punk rock there. But for some reason punk rock without uncle Ches doesn't sound right...

"Heh, hey Heavy!"
"What do you think about Team Fortress 2, and if you like it, which character is your fave?"
TF2 is a pretty old game already. And my fave character, well... try to guess.

"How old are you?"

"Do you watch superhero movies, and if yes do you prefer Marvel or DC? And why is it Batman?"
For real, why is it Batman? What a dumb question. Well, I like Marvel more, since it has Iron Man, Thor, Hulk... And DC just has Batman it seems, who's totally useless.

"What's that near the chips? Is it a condo-"
What do you mean, it's Mentos! Here, look! ... Shit!

"Heavy, Heavy! What kind of superpowers would you want to have?"
Well, I dunno. Probably super strength, so I could just punch and everything would blow up! Like The Hulk but permanent, without the... emergency thing... like his.

"Your favorite/most recommended cartoon? I'm 2 days late."
Not a big deal. I like How to Train Your Dragon, Coco is pretty cool, Metalocalypse, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time's cool. Etc.

"How's Kudryash (Curlton)? Did he get an A?"
Actually he only got a B. And only because I brought Dee to his senses in time. By the way, how do you know?

Maaan, there's over 5k questions... Phew, man. I think I'm done. Sorry I couldn't answer all of them.
Actually, let's do 1 last one. Let's see...

"Heavy, can you tell us about the most embarrassing situations in your life?"
Well, uh... I think it's when I tried going into Dee's room without knocking. I come in and he's got... *screen glitches up* And the whole room...! *video cuts off*


  1. When's your birthday? Also if it's late happy late birthday.

  2. Se que ya pasó pero, te gustaria ser mi no te molesta claro


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