Metal Family Season 2 Episode 1
[ORIGINAL VIDEO] [SUBBED VIDEO] by heavibear ( @ratibear on Instagram) Season 2 Episode 1: His Secrets Heavy: Dee! Dee! Dee, have you seen my homework? Dee: It's in the Slayer compartment. Heavy: Ah, found it! Alright, I'm off! Glam: Heavy, breakfast. Vicky: Learn to use your hands! Freaking Tarzan. Glam: Good morning, Victoria. Vicky: Yeah yeah, morning-shmorning... Glam: Poached egg with asparagus and mushy peas. Vicky: What about bacon?! Glam: We had bacon yesterday. Frequent consumption of bacon raises cholesterol levels and affects the cardiovascular system, as well as the brain, which can affect coordination, memory and... Vicky: Fine, fine, fine! "Coordination, memory..." And why is our princess not following her little brother to school, dropping feces on the way? Glam: He's going on a field trip to the science lab today at 9, in place of his first two lessons. And then he'll go to school and... Your third lesson is history, I believe? Dee: Yeah, tha...